Friday, July 29, 2022

Cliffside Retreat

This dream had a distinct sense of deja vu. Many of its elements have already appeared in previous dreams. The cliffs surrounding a rocky cove, a horse ride, sea lions in the surf, a predatory polar bear. It was a private sanctum known only to myself, which I visited on occasion for quiet reflection and for riding my black stallion, Bucephalus, named after Alexander the Great's horse. On this occasion, I had invited my friend Darren to join me, eager to finally share the location and show off my horse. I seemed more excited by the fact that the horse was black, thinking this would be its main selling point. Darren turned up with a few beers which we drank together on the rocks, watching the pounding waves. I suggested a few times that we should ride Bucephalus together, but he seemed wary of the venture and declined. Eventually he left and I was alone again.

I mounted my horse and galloped along the tops of the cliffs, feeling the wind in my hair. When I grew weary of this, I climbed back down to the cove and sat watching the sleek forms of sea lions gambolling in the water. I couldn't get a good look at them as they were farther out than usual. It was cold, and the water was a steely grey. I decided that if the sea lions wouldn't come to me, I would go to them. As I started to hug the narrow path along the base of the cliff, heading towards the tip of a peninsula that would bring me closer, I heard a bone chilling roar and a waterlogged polar bear came charging towards me. I turned and ran, turning into a narrow gulley carved into the cliffs. I used overhanging trees and ledges to pull myself up, but soon realised I was trapped with nowhere higher to climb. The polar bear made a concentrated effort to reach me, but it was unable to scale the cliffs. I realised I would have to remain here until somebody found me, or the bear got bored and left.

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