Thursday, August 3, 2023

Cooksbridge Sea Lion

In this dream, it had been raining a lot, and the river Ouse had swollen its banks. A lot of runoff made its way to the street outside our house in Cooksbridge, creating a deep, expansive puddle on the road. I was in Lulu's bedroom looking out of the window when I saw a black hump emerging from the pool, and cutting a path through the water. A head emerged, and I saw that it was a sea lion. I had heard of seals being spotted in the Ouse, but not sea lions. I called my daughter over and lifted her up to see, but she did not share my susprise or excitement. The sea lion did not know what to do, and appeared to be swimming in endless circles, occasionally emerging for a quick blast of air. After a while of this, it left the puddle completely and began worrying the neighbour's wheely bins, knocking them over and ripping out the plastic bags. The neighbours called animal control, who were on their way to relocate it.

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