Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Greenstead Kinkajous

I had an involved dream of myself travelling back and forth through the mean streets of Greenstead at night on some forgettable errand, accompanied by my name Beibei. Most of the journey consisted of traversing a long dark alley behind houses. Garages, garden fences, and dustbins lined the alley, with intermittent bushes hiding hungry animals. We were constantly approved by the kinkajous that lived in the alley, begging us for food. They were strange creatures in that they were entirely devoid of their characteristic woolly fur. Indeed, they looked as though they had been flayed, with their pink bald flesh lit up by my torch. Although they were not hostile to me, I was worried they might bite my dog, who kept chasing after them. I called him back again and again but he ignored me. I don't remember much else about the dream other than the kinkajous.

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