Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Drunk Tank

In possibly the strangest dream I've had concerning the crowded tank motif, this time I was sitting in an Irish pub getting my drink on. Because I left it a few days before writing this dream down, I've forgotten quite a few details, such as who I was with and what the occasion was. Drinking some strange concoctions that were a mixture between Guinness and absinthe, I noticed that there was a large water filled tank in the centre of the pub. The water was murky green but I became aware of a glowing moth that had fallen in and was somehow fluttering about underwater. I was overcome with a desire to rescue the moth, but at the same time, I was afraid to go near it.

There was a net on a long handled pole nearby, so I scooped this into the water and tried to snag the moth. Whilst sifting through the sludgy water in an attempt to grab it, I became aware of all the other creatures inside. These other animals, mostly fish, were making half-hearted attempts to swallow the moth, but it managed to avoid them. At the bottom of the tank was a swollen conger eel with a venomous looking head and glassy, glaring eyes. The sight of it filled me with crippling terror, and I dropped the net into the water. The eel opened its tapered jaws and swiped at the glowing moth, but it managed to evade death once again.

Suddenly a stream of bubbles gurgled up to the surface of the tank, and a sperm whale bobbed into view. It was of course, much reduced in size, having the proportions of a big seal. The whale opened its mouth wide, showing gums that were peeling away from the teeth, and a tongue festering with infection. Something green and unwholesome oozed from the creatures mouth as it rested its chin on the side of the tank. It let out a low, lingering sigh, and died. As it did so, the head began to decompose, and a squishy set of inner jaws came burbling out, as though emitting a diseased tumour. The whole repulsive spectacle was like a hangover personified.

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