Thursday, September 14, 2023

Tiger Attack

Last night I was stressed about money and dreamt that I got ripped off at a Flying Tiger shop in Colchester. The next day, feeling buyer's remorse, I went into town early and joined a long queue to try and get a refund. The queue wound through an adjacent building, a large converted church where the far wall was one big window. The window looked out onto the elephant paddock at Colchester Zoo, people would come to the church to watch the elephants. I noticed that there were more of them than usual, a herd some ten or twelve strong. 

Where their perimeter fence began, a body of water revealed a hippopotamus punting along. It had a baby that left the water and went to nose at the fence. A great yellow tiger then appeared on the other side of the fence and grabbed the baby's head with its claws through a gap in the chainlink. The hippo's head got caught in a noose of rope hanging from the fence and it was unable to escape. Ensnared this, the tiger was able to sink its jaws into the hippo's throat. After some tugging, it tore off the head, revealing a bloodless stump, much like the frozen wounds from a butcher shop.

A mother in the queue, who had been showing her baby the elephants, quickly put her hand over the infant's eyes. Murmurs of horror ran through the crowd as everyone ran to the window to watch the aftermath of the gruesome attack. Prior to that moment, I had experienced intense panic and had shouted to try and warn the keepers, to no avail. Perhaps the tiger represented the predatory staff at the Flying Tiger shop? When I eventually got to the counter, they did everything they could to avoid refunding me, and I remained there the entire day arguing my cause. Closing time came around, and still I had not obtained my rightful refund.

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